Meet Us

We are Restile and Amir! It’s a pleasure to e-meet you. We are an intrepid, fun-loving, husband and wife who love the outdoors, as well as cheap good food. This blog is a culmination of what we love doing together, and what we would love to see more of in the world.

Time is a fickle thing, and memories fade, so this blog serves for us to be able to revisit the wonderful places that we’ve been lucky enough to see, and relive the fleeting moments and feelings. It’s also a platform for us to write. We’re big believers in journaling, or writing. It really helps us take a step back, appreciate, and be grateful amid the fast-paced lives we inadvertently get drawn into.

We are incredibly blessed to live in Sydney, Australia, and have an almost endless supply of nature to explore within day-trip distance of our beautiful city which is also one of the best culinary cities in the world! Our ethos is plan for the future, but don’t forget to enjoy the now. How good a meal is depends on who you’re with and how hungry you are, so work up an appetite by seeing as much as you can and eat some (cheap) good food in the best company.

Meet Restile

Restile (also known as ‘Ira’) is a very successful Oral Health Practitioner. She is very much a morning person, and is best described as driven, bubbly and mother to everyone around her. When she’s not working (or hiking), she’ll usually be baking, and her baked goods (and sweet tooth) are second to none! She loves spending time with her (big!) family, and reading the menu for a restaurant for a week before she actually gets there. She is the one with all the “eats” recommendations, and like a real foodie, really loves to cook as well.

Meet Amir

Amir is an engineer, and when he’s not busy running the firm, he’s usually daydreaming about property investment strategies or the next hike. Amir loves gear, and this love of gear started during his fishing days. He was an avid fisherman, chasing all manner of species up and down the coast in his early twenties. What was a time-intense passion has since been replaced by hiking and photography, but the love of gear nevertheless remains true. Amir loves reading on his Kindle (particularly on picnics), and watching YouTube reviews of camera gear.